Exhibition and public programme at NN Contemporary, 8 Sept - 3 Nov 2018
Crowd Show was an exhibition that also was not an exhibition. Crowd Show used advertising to start conversations about the ecology of the art world of Northampton. It began with a billboard advertisement on a road in Northampton featuring the phrase ‘artist seeking artists’, acting as an open call for anyone to submit work for exhibition. Every respondent was invited to exhibit a work in Crowd Show in the form of a digital print, and these images formed the backdrop to an evolving public programme. The programme was designed with staff and visitors to raise questions relating to representation, power, and how artists are paid. I designed a new series of posters and ceramic works inspired by visitor conversations, which were added to the gallery as the show progressed.
The week’s top exhibitions: a-n
Images: #1 Crowd Show billboard in Northampton #2-10 documentation from the Crowd Show exhibition and public programme